Origens Brasil®

The network that promotes ethical businesses that
value the forest peoples and the living Amazon.


Origens Brasil®, is a network that promotes businesses that value the living Amazon and the forest peoples who live in it.
We are a diverse network formed by Indigenous peoples, traditional populations, support institutions, community organizations, and private companies. We promote a new way of doing business in the Amazon by connecting companies and producers in Indigenous territories and conservation units through ethical commercial relationships based on transparency, a guarantee of origin, and traceability.
By buying products from these commercial relations, you contribute to the valorization of the living Amazon and its peoples. Through a seal in the form of a QR code, it is possible to discover the stories of each product, including its origin and the people who produced it, ultimately facilitating a greater proximity and connection between producers and consumers.


The Origens Brasil® network operates in socio-environmentaldiversity territories, large swaths of protected areas in the Amazon, including Indigenous lands, and conservation units. Indigenous peoples and traditional populations live and produce in these territories while safeguarding the standing forest, providing services that benefit not only Brazil but the entire planet through biodiversity conservation, contributing to the regulation of rainfall and climate balance.

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