As socio-environmental diversity product fromthe Xingu, Brazil nut oil is traditionally produced by extractivist populations of the Terra do Meio from the seeds of the Brazil nut tree. The nut and its derivatives, such as oil and Brazil nut milk, are used as food in different regional recipes. The oil can be used as a substitute for olive oil in salads and other dishes. The collection of Brazil nuts (Bertholletia excelsa) is a traditional activity carried out by Indigenous peoples and traditional populations during the rainy months in the Amazon. Groups spend many consecutive days in the forest, setting up camps among the trees and moving through a vast area, contributing to territorial monitoring and surveillance, combining income generation with territorial protection. The collection and oil production is done by extractivists and Indigenous people who are part of the Terra do Meio Network, an arrangement composed of small processing facilities in the Xingu Territory.

The harvesting of this product impacts:
The harvesting of this product impacts: